Thursday, May 27, 2010

Half Ironman - Venezuela 2010 ( -16 days )

Working from home this afternoon, a little bit of time for blogging. Nice.

In the past 3 days I managed to wake up early, get some swimming and running done and most importantly get myself back in full training mode.

Work is going to be very busy from now till the 4th of June, then finally I will go to Venezuela for the last week pre-race.

The program for the afternoon is fix as many issues in my current software project ( Logitech GTV :-P... nice now I can say it ), then run to the swimming pool ( 3 miles ) swim 4K, run back home 3 miles.

Hope to make it before the bike shop closing time so that I will be able to pick up my brand new Cervelo P3 :-P... double NICE.

Tonight Academy of Science, night visit, let see how cool will turn out!

Big hug to the world... especially to people living FAR from me.


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