Monday, July 12, 2010

Next target and goals

Here I am, spent the last week end looking at possible next races and targets. Finally set my mind on Silverman 2010.

It is defined as one of the toughest Half Ironman of the world ( ) and 6th of November is far enough to get ready for it.

In the mean while this summer will be packed with friends coming from all over and I am super excited about that. I just hope they wont complain if I will wake them at 6am dressed like my brother would say a "ausiliario del traffico in calzonella" .

August 7th to 21st, brother Saverio will be here too.... AWESOME. Maybe I will convince him to come and cheer for me for an Olympic triathlon close to Sacramento, let see how things evolve... they ( with his GF ) will have priority over my activities I guess :-).

Training so far has been random as usual, I need to get sometime to sit down and do some homework ( proper planning for proper peaking on November 6th ).

Next little race.... July 25th ...Wharf to Wharf ( Santa Cruz 6 miles run ).. I will go all out ;-).



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