Saturday, November 27, 2010

SF2LA 3rd day report

I cannot write much... simply because I am totally exhausted. One day I will find more time to describe everything in details.... in few words. Left on time, biked 40-50 miles with very painful legs...started to feel super hungry around the 60th... and when I thought that lunch break was close... I found out I took the ONE going north... climbed and crashed myself for 15 miles... to discover it was the wrong direction... this super detour costed me to ride 1 and a half hours in the dark and totaling 148 miles. No comments.

Here they come few videos in order:

after 50 miles or so
after 100....
after 112... talking crazy
in the dark after 145

This was after 50 miles... showing a murales that explains it all

My face after 148 miles and a shower :-)

My desk ready for tomorrow :-)))

Overall I am almost there.

One more ride to go.... 90 more miles ... If I do not wake up with the fever tomorrow... I will sprint my last ride and make sure I will get a good sleep before going to the engagement party I was invited to!

Good night world.

1 comment:

CJ said...

You look like shit allright...